Monday 19 May 2014

Monday Moanings - May 19, 2014

It's Victoria Day!

A day for bbq's, gardens, and fireworks as the folks in these parts celebrate not the late great grand queen, but rather the first long weekend of the summer season. Also known as the May TWO-FOUR weekend, which more and more seems to refer to a case of beer rather than a May day. This is the weekend that garden centres, hardware stores and gas companies get really excited about as winter weary Ontarians dig out the planting gear and drive to the garden centre to buy bedding plants; haul out the lawn mower and drive to the hardware store to get parts to make it work; and/or drive up to the cottage then drive to the hardware store and garden centre to get parts and plants. Oh, and beer. There's got to be beer. The Two-Four, remember?

Well of course Mother Nature did not cooperate, at least not until today - just might crack the 20C mark today! But Saturday began with frost, and through Sunday it remained cool and showery. I did get the lawns cut, no parts required, and I even paid a visit to the garden centre where I bought two hanging baskets. I can bring them inside if it gets too cool.

The bedding plants will have to wait until the frost danger is truly past which in my neck of the woods is June 1st. And I'll be ready!

I'm just back from a hike in the forest with my love and our resident canine Sophie. The forest today was filled with bird song, sunshine, trilliums galore and other folks out for a hack on horseback, or just strolling the woods on foot, smiles all around.

We even spotted a scarlet tanager.

Tis a grand day, as befits that grand old lady for whom the day is named.
Happy Victoria Day!

©2014 April Hoeller


  1. Got a nice happy feeling reading this and seeing the photographs... More so because its so hot and humid here in Kolkata. Summer is well and truly upon us...although as I write this comment I can hear much tweeting and chirping of sparrows and the occasional call of the koel in the mango tree outside, beseeching the rain Gods to shower us with their blessings and hopefully a little coolth...

    1. "Coolth" - such a refreshing word. It was one I recall my father using often on sultry days here in August. Thank you Kataki for bringing it back into my consciousness along with such warm memories.
      Wishing you a little coolth.
